

1. 敬拜神。
2. 宣講及教導神的話語。
3. 把失喪的人帶到耶穌面前。
4. 追求教會肢體的屬靈成長,讓教會榮耀神。
5. 實行新約聖經的命令,聖餐及洗禮。
6. 對有缺乏的人們,提供神的愛及幫助。
7. 廣傳福音給萬民。
The purposes of TCCC are as follows:
1. To worship God.
2. To preach and teach the Word of God.
3. To win the lost to Jesus Christ.
4. To pursue the spiritual growth of its members so that the Church can glorify God.
5. To administer the ordinances of the New Testament, the Lord's Supper and Baptism.
6. To provide God's love and help to the people in need.
7. To spread the gospel to all peoples.